May 11, 2008

Haiti meets Montreat


I just had a wonderful week. A conference was held in Montreat Called ARW (Annual Recreation Workshop). Bill, Walnes, and Vedrine came to Montreat for the conference. We had the best time. I was so wonderful to have them there. We danced till our feet hurt. We had dance lessons from Walnes and Vedrine while Bill played the drums. They taught us lots but the favorite of the crowd was the spider dance moves. I've never felt so white in my life. We all laughed when Walnes said, "and now you move your belly, MOVE YOUR BELLY!" It almost felt a little like Dirty Dancing but it was great. We did lots of squares, international, line, and contra dancing. It really was unfair at how fast those boys learned and then continued to add their own twist to things. I couldn't stop smiling all week. I'm sad that they are gone but I can't complain one bit. It was truly a blessing to spend a week with them. It's been a year since I've been back to Haiti and I still miss it greatly. I hope to find my way back some time in September. Walnes might have the chance to come back in July and stay with me for a few days as well. I can only home for such an opportunity.

Thank you - to the boys. for your smiles, love, and hugs. I miss you. peace.

November 21, 2007


Tonight my thought are with you.

I sit here with the glow of candle light. My mind drifts back to the oil lamps that the children color by at night. The candles that we light in your room. The candles floating among the flowers while we ate dinner with Bill.

I also have the light of the moon coming through my window behind me. The light wraps around my shoulders and I think of you you-you. I think of that light inside of you that will never ever die. I think of how many times you have wrapped your arms around me as my sister and as a dear friend. I would do the same if I was there with you now.

Light in my mind = hope. You are their light. You are my light. You are Haiti's light. You give me hope. Hope that will never ever die and the thing about your light is that it's so strong that it starts the fire in others and makes my flame want to burn brighter.

You-You I love you and I miss you. Let your light burn bright.

September 22, 2007

prayers please

I'm preaching this Sunday (tomorrow) about my trips to Haiti.
Please pray for me. That God will speak to these people through me to show and tell them the truth about Haiti, that there is hope for this country. That they see Haiti with new eyes and that I am spark something inside them that will cause them to reach out and help in any way they can.
I will post my "sermon" tonight or after I'm done.
your sister Megan

August 29, 2007

Do I have talent?

Here are some of my top photos that I have taken and would love to know what you think?!
Please comment back and read the post below too, it's also new.

on the up side

I would like to thank you all for your support spoken and unspoken.
It's helps

Soooo maybe Haiti just isn't the place for me to be right now and I've come to terms with that fact. It was just so hard to hear that news over the summer...where it seems that good news would never come my way. Working in a church, helping Sophie-Ann and her family dealing with leukemia, my dad falling off a cliff and breaking his back -it was just a hard one.

but the clouds are parting and the sun is coming out once again. I'm going to go to England and see my Aunt Lee Ann and some friends. I also just got a job working for a photographer. I'm going to edit all her pictures and pick up a few tips along the way. This job just fell out of the sky and into my lap wrapped in a pretty ribbon.

This job is such a blessing because the next step in my life is to truly focus on photography. I've found that I have a talent and a natural eye for it. I've always been interested but once I came back from Haiti and people started to look at my pictures I was amazed that they started to ask about buying prints.

I will go back......I promise. I miss Haiti like crazy and thought about it alot when I saw you-you's moon shining bright orange through my window.

August 19, 2007

What do you do?

What do you do when a door closes? You wait for a window to open.

The door to Haiti is closed. I've had lots of doors close before but never has it hurt like this. The pain is more then just getting your fingers or toes caught, more like your heart slammed and broken into two pieces. Half of my heart is still in Haiti and it will always be there.

I asked to go back to the orphanage and was declined.

This news came three weeks ago and yet every time I think about this fact it still hurts like the first time I read those words. This doesn't mean that I will never go back but it will be at least a year before I will go back, back to St. Joe's with Deb.

This hurts and I'm sad. I keep thinking about what wonderful blessings this summer has brought to the orphanage -new children, the medical clinic and much more. How I wish I was going back to see how the children have grown, to see you-you's new cats and sink, to see the clinic, jimmy and junior.

so what do you do when the door has closed? I keep walking back to try the handle and see if the door is unlocked. I'm not ready to give up. Yet, I guess you'll never find the open window unless you look for it.

bravo to Carsen and Anne for the time they can give to the o, and to all the mom's and dad's going. Give them an extra hug from me the next time you go, especially Steven.

July 19, 2007

What are the odds?!?!

What are the odds that a little bit of Haiti would come my way this summer?

That's right, Walnes is here with me in IN for the 2007 Presbyterian Youth Triennium.
To be honest I've only seen him twice in three days with no more then 10 minutes to spend before I take off working again.

I'm leadership for the outdoor recreation team. That means I get to be on stage and make a fool of myself leading 5,000 youth in games and energizers. I love EVERY minute of it.

Today I FINALLY got to go to worship and Walnes sat beside me. It's great fun to watch him watching everyone around us. He made me laugh really hard after an amazing story was told and we all clapped while Walnes yelled out "BRAVO!" I just smiled. It's great to see him but it makes me miss them all... and I had a little piece of Haiti all day.

There was a guy in SCOC who had on a very cool pair of sun glasses and you could just tell that he was cool, that reminded me of Jean Bernard. Then a 11 year old boy had a solo and I thought of Woodrot singing in God Spell. Then a man named Jay looked like George and acted like Papi. I also found a little girl dancing and playing with a little drum and it made me miss all the kids at the O. I was just a wave after wave today but it was wonderful.